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Benefits of intermittent fasting while traveling + tips for success

See the sights, spend time with loved ones, eat the food—these are some of the top reasons people travel.

Food in particular is a highlight for many people, especially those traveling internationally. This is why good food practices like intermittent fasting tend to go out the window while we’re on vacation. We want to live in the moment and enjoy each culinary experience available to us—that means there’s no room for things like intermittent fasting and healthy eating while we’re traveling.

Or is there?

While taking a week or two off from intermittent fasting isn’t going to have a big effect on you long term, you will feel the short-term effects. Things like digestive troubles and low energy, right in the middle of your packed schedule.

We’re not here to rain on your traveling parade, but here’s a little secret: practicing intermittent fasting while traveling can actually make your travel experience better, not worse.

Benefits of intermittent fasting while traveling

If you haven’t tried intermittent fasting before, here are a few reasons to add “start intermittent fasting” to your pre-travel to-do list. And if you’re already an intermittent faster, here are a few reasons to keep it up while traveling.

Supports digestion and gut health. Travel exposes us to new foods, routines, and bacteria that we might not encounter in our daily lives. Plus, most of us tend to eat more when we’re on vacation. That’s a lot of extra hits on your digestion, which can lead to some uncomfortable tummy troubles. Fasting can help keep gut health in check and give your body a chance to reset between the heavier meals you’re enjoying—so you can enjoy your trip, too. 

Helps improve sleep quality. Traveling disrupts your sleep; there’s really no way around it. Changes to our eating schedule can also impact our sleep. Setting a consistent intermittent fasting schedule from the start can help regulate circadian rhythms and help you sleep better at night, leaving you more rested for your daytime adventures. 

Supports weight management. Indulging in delicious treats is half the fun of travel, although the weight gain that often follows is less fun. Restricting the hours you indulge on snacks and delicacies is an easy way to help keep weight-management in check without having to abstain from culinary delights completely.

Supports energy levels and helps prevent sluggishness. You know the feeling. You start the day excited for your plans ahead . . . until the afternoon slog hits and you just want to take a nap. Contrary to popular belief, fasting can actually help keep your energy up. By giving your body a prolonged break each day from digesting food, your body is able to tap into fat for energy instead of storing your excess calories as fat. This helps you feel more energized throughout the day.

Saves you money! If you know you aren’t going to be eating at certain times, you won’t need to sit down to eat as often (or pack as many snacks). Food can get pricey when you’re out on the road, but intermittent fasting can help keep spending in check.

Travel tips for intermittent fasting

Now that you know the benefits of intermittent fasting while traveling, here are a few tips that make it a little easier when you’re traveling.

Adjust your intermittent fasting schedule as needed. Travel means disruptions to your regular sleep schedule and meal times, especially if you’re traveling across time zones—and that’s okay. You may need to shorten your fasting window by a few hours or adjust the timeframe for when you’re fasting. Decide ahead of time what your fasting schedule will be, and plan meals around that as much as possible.

Be flexible. Vacations rarely go perfectly according to plan, so accept that your intermittent fasting plans won’t always play out perfectly, either. But that’s one of the great things about intermittent fasting—it’s flexible. Don’t stress too much if your plans change at the last minute, or if you end up eating at a weird time one day. Do your best to stick to your intermittent fasting schedule, but if you need to make adjustments, just roll with it.

Stay hydrated. Water will be your best friend while you’re traveling. Whether you’re hiking in exotic locations or catching a live production of your favorite musical, keep a full water bottle with you at all times. You’re going to need hydration, both during and after your fasting window. Water can help curb hunger pangs between meals too, another good reason to keep it around.

Keep Bios Life Slim and Unimate handy. The Feel Great Program was designed to make intermittent fasting easier. So don’t forget to pack your Bios Life Slim and Unimate! Drink Bios Life Slim 10–15 minutes before you eat and keep Unimate close for those morning and afternoon slogs. Not only will intermittent fasting be easier, you’ll feel better too.

Eat plenty of protein and healthy fats. Protein and fats help you feel fuller for longer and don’t cause as much of a blood sugar spike as carbs do. Prioritizing protein and healthy fats in each meal will help you keep your energy levels up throughout the day and keep you from getting hungry before your next meal. Fueling your body with the right type of food helps to keep the hanger away.

Make travel more enjoyable with intermittent fasting

Remember, the important thing is to listen to your body while you’re traveling. Intermittent fasting is a tool to help you not only get the most from your travel experience, but to keep you on track with your health goals. Intermittent fasting shouldn’t feel like a burden or cause stress while you’re traveling. In fact, with the right plan in place, it can enhance your travel experience because you’ll feel better overall.


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